Feel the pulse of your PayPal account
With PaySketch, you know whats happening with your PayPal account in near realtime checks. You find key indicators like your account balance, sales overview, customers and products right after your open the software. This high level executive summary lets you take fast yet decisive steps.
Download PaySketch to get going.

A dashboard for every user
When we designed PaySketch, we though of all possible use cases that PayPal users might have and built features consolidated by use cases. Therefore, PaySketch comes with a set of dashboards so that you can focus head on while keeping away from everything else. Dashboards concentrate your views around Transactions, Sales, Payments, Customers and Products. So when you are dealing with sales, you won’t see payment coming along your way. Similarly, when you measure sales performance for your products, we’ve made sure there is nothing to disturb you there.
See how well your products perform

The Products Dashboard is the math-book of your online sales performance. It digs into all your online products sold through PayPal and shows an easy to understand summary trending across all and individual products. You can view the revenue contribution, sales volume, average revenue/sale, refunds and reversals across all your products. Refunds and Reversals are a great indicator of how happy your customers are after making a purchase. These really helps pin-pointing gray areas so that you can fix issues and gain more customer loyalty.
Revenue contribution for individual products help you focus more energy of low performers while keeping up the tempo for those that make up a significant portion of overall sales.

Keep a tap on your customers
Easily glide through all your customers, while sorting them by name, orders placed or by the total contribution that they’ve added to your online business via PayPal. The Customers Dashboard quickly reflects customer loyalty while it lets you foray into deeper analytics. Customer details includes a quick email option along with all the purchases that they have made. It also is a good indicator of which products your most happy customers don’t like and the ones which are purchased multiple times.

Filter and Search PayPal Transactions

The Reporting Dashboard is available to Professional users who really want to take filtering data to great extents. We have provided 9 basic filters with 2 to 3 different child options making it to a whopping choice of 22 different filter types for you to choose from. You can search PayPal transactions by name, email address, amount, transaction fee, transaction type, status, currency, date and archive mode. Archive mode is an special performance option available for Professional users.
This level of filtering lets you winnow through your transactions to find just the right one you might be looking for.
To download, install and run PaySketch, you would need to have:-
- A PayPal Business or Premier account – an account where you can accept non-personal payments through sale of goods, services etc.
- A Windows or Mac computer, with Adobe Air installed.
- 512Mb of RAM
- 20Mb of free space on your computer’s hard drive
For complete instructions from download to running PaySketch, follow the PaySketch Setup and Install User Manual